Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oh god! - it's getting worse

Had another week of no postings due to picking up a nasty virus last saturday/sunday (yes, the day after I went out and got battered). Went to work thrusday and was promptly sent home due to "looking like shit" - thanks boss. worked friday and had to give up on the work curry night as I still felt shite. Yesterday schlepped around the house and today tidied up. What a life a life I lead.

Got to start going out again. I seem to have become a fucking hermit since i split with J. Anyhoo, looks like this should be a quiet month in terms of doing stuff. No more weddings or other stuff to go to. Got the cricket club end of season do at the end of the month - that usually turns into a night of cringing embarrassment when the speeches start. heh.

Well, tonight I've been perusing the web in between bouts of not getting any bandwidth (again, urrrgh) I have been looking at myspace for no reason. god I am bored.

will talk next week, hopefully.

Currently listening to:-
Hard to Beat, by Hard-Fi


Blogger Mosher said...

I can relate to the hermit thing, fella. Imagine what that's like when you're in a foreign country surrounded by people who just want to take you places and show you things (all wonderful, beautiful and amazing)... and you just don't care.

Sympathies, big guy.

10/08/2006 11:36 PM  
Blogger damo said...

Well, not that you might want to look at it this way buuuuuut................
you are surrounded by beautiful Aussie women all the time, you have a large wad of cash and are footloose and fancy-free - If I were in your shoes right now i'd be the most shallow bloke alive.
nudge nudge
wink wink
say no more!
but that isn't a good creed to live your life by all the time.

10/09/2006 4:40 PM  
Blogger Mosher said...

The Aussie women are *very* like British women. They vary a lot. I've met some lovely ones, met a couple of right stinkers, got three phone numbers and met one of them for lunch two times.

However, my heart's just not in anything other than making friends right now. Still too attached to Lou and carrying far too many hopes of working things out with her for it to be good for my mental health. Or my sex life.

10/09/2006 11:00 PM  
Blogger damo said...

It'll get better hopefully man. just dig in there.

10/10/2006 4:47 PM  

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