A-M of stuff about me, stuff I like and more

Been meaning to do this for a while. anyway here goes.
A - A is for Arse! - my favourite and most-used expletive. A is also for my father's surname - not mine though.
B - b is for Bro'. My brother to be exact. photo to the left (although not the most flattering methinks). B is also for Bush and Blair - two reasons why radicalised terrorism is reaching UK shores.
C - C is for Cambridge, where I live now. C is also for Cricket - my favourite game. C is also for Century - of which I have yet to score for my club. C is also for Claire, my mum's sister and one of the coolest people in the world. C is also for chin, see aerlier posts for when I chinned myself with a cricket ball. C is also for clubbing.

E - E is for Europe, where I have done the bulk of my holidaying. E is also for Eyes, the first thing I check out when meeting a woman for the first time. E is also for Ephesus - an absolutely beautiful place to visit.
F - F is for The Foo Fighters. Best band in the world and if anybody is listening then live tickets would be the perfect present. F is also for FOUR - best shot is the punch back past the bowler's face at a very large rate of knots.
G - G is for G, my mum. Quite simply the best mum anybody could have. How she survived through the crap I gave her is beyond me - methinks she should be nominated for sainthood. G is also for Gwen, my grandmother and possibly the only woman in the world who scares me.
H - H is for hope. H is also for happiness.
I - I is for Impatient. Possibly my most annoying habit.
J - J is for J, no more but still thought of. J is also for another J - she's gorgeous. J is also for James - top bloke.
K - K is for kids. Don't have any and don't really want any either.
L - L is for Love, Lust and life.
M - M is for Meg - Jimbo's missus and an absolute sweetheart. M is also for
music, movies and manga. Three of my favourite things.
m is also for more to come.
Currently listening to Moloko - the time is now.
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