Saturday, May 27, 2006

Yeah I know.

In a previous post I had promised that I was going to talk about UK politics, so here goes. I make no apologies if any new-labour Nazi's read this and find offence, but here goes.

Damo on Iraq.

Pull the troops out now. The longer our soldiers are there, the more that all UK citizens will become targets for terrorists. The UK troops have to protect themselves but the longer we're there the more we will be in danger of Muslims wanting to kill anybody in their country and anybody in the world at large who is hip to hip with the yankee cowards. What the UK does not need to be involved in is the USC's (United States of Cowards) genocidal war on Islam.

Damo on Blair.

Dear Tony, I despise you; you have turned the UK into George W Bush's (and his handlers from the religious right) bitch. Retire.

Damo on religion.

I am an evolved being. I have no need to have the rantings of some made-up hocus-pocus to be forced on me. Bugger off.

Damo on the Tories.

I'm sorry, it's like watching a rerun of Tony Blair's rise to power. You have nothing to say that I will ever listen to.

deep breath. rant over .......................for now


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im in the unenviable position of being for the war..... but against the troops.

5/29/2006 9:03 AM  
Blogger damo said...

Wow, another reader. That's 4 so far, nosebleed time.
My whole problem with the war is that from a UK perspective all we are doing in painting an enormous target on our country, while standing shoulder to shoulder with the moron from Kennebunkport and his Religious extremist backers. This is all while the USC's peoples can stay behind their borders and continue to send order to their soldiers to torture, maim, rape and murder anybody who isn't a Christian.

but hey, I'm sure things wil eventually get better - actually, i think it's going to get a lot worse.

5/29/2006 10:40 AM  

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