Sunday, April 23, 2006

Film Stuff

Thanks to Mosh for responding to my film stuff. But you're wrong fella - only one top sports film out there- in my opinion anyway.

so anyway, I got to thinking about more films and in this list I will go over some of the films that have had the most effect on me (not all of these are comedies though).

1 - Bowling for Columbine - NRA & Charlton Heston are w*nkers (in my opinion) - Hey kids, it's okay for your 6 year old kid to hold a gun, and if there's an accident - then it's their fault, not ours! - Tossers.
2 - Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers - Best film I have seen for ages. Utterly compelling and one of the few times that I have wanted to go straight back in the flicks and watch it again.
3 - Old Boy - Korean Masterpiece - One of the most disturbing films you'll ever see.
4 - Supersize me - I'll never go into a fast food joint without knowing the consequences again.
5 - Fahrenheit 911 - It makes my blood boil watching this film - Bush is a coward, the people who voted him in do need to be reminded that they have installed a leader far worse than Saddam Hussain ever was. Fucking Yanks - hey everybody, we came late into every war so we could make money from both sides - now we own all the financial clout on the planet and you'll do as you're told.
6 - Blazing Saddles - If you meet me and a few of my cousins (well, me, my bro', Joe and Dyl)you can guarantee that we will start at some point reciting the lines from the film word perfect - "D'you want some more beans Mr. Taggert?" "I'd say you'd had enough".
7 - The sure thing - Early John Cusack that made me want to Hitch across America meeting girls.
8 - The Empire Strikes Back - At last, a bad guy wins a film - bloody marvellous - before Lucas screwed up the trilogy anyway.
9 - Tis is Spinal Tap - It goes all the way up to 11 man.
10 - The Sting - Robert Redford and Paul Newman - Classic Heist film - the best con ever.

next use of the waaaaaaaay back machine - my top ten videogames of all time.

6 -


Blogger joedix said...

when did you ever go into a fast food joint without knowing the consequences?? you eat fast food, you get fat. me and you are living (fat) proof. Dont need no documaentary to tell you that man.

4/26/2006 1:04 AM  
Blogger joedix said...

and have you removed some of your posts???

4/26/2006 1:08 AM  

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