Sunday, November 26, 2006

Posting from home

Been not able to post rcently - mostly due to addiction to a substance called - World of Warcraft.


anyhoo, posting will start again as I need time off from being an elf.
Title of the post says it all really. I am posting from home, my spiritual home.

back in Whitley Bay for a couple of days, going to watch the game and have some lunch with my brother, then hopefully have a nice drive back to Cambridge this afternoon.

hi to Mosh, yeah - I know i've not been around - hope the diving is still cool.
hi the the cricketers - AGM next week. I might even bring my trophies presented to me at the end of year celebration just for gloatings sake.

anyway - off to my brother's place to pick him up, then watch the footy.



Blogger Mosher said...

*waves* I just arrived in Singapore. I managed to "catch" half the match on BBC's updated text service on the web page courtesy of the fucking annoying "we can't broadcast outside of the UK due to the Premier League being awkward cunts" legislation.

When they got as far as describing Portsmouth's coach picking his nose, and their goalie's hairstyle looking like Superman's (they even posted a picture of Christopher Reeve to illustrate) it very much got across how dull we've got since the Keegan days.

Still, three points for the first time in 10 matches. You're a lucky charm!

11/27/2006 6:16 AM  
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