Thursday, December 11, 2008

random annoyances

right now there are several things that are annoying me lots.

1 - Zimbabwe. The cholera epidemic there is no joke. Mugabe is still treating the country like his personal fiefdom and denouncing the white former overlords as scum (which some of them are, no doubt). I was talking to a South-African woman I know and we got talking about how southern Africa is a mess because the minute they declared independence they decided that rather than helping their country the ruling class would just asset strip the country to make sure their families were covered.
If they had oil the US and UK would be in there like a shot.

2 - The end of Woolworths. Sad really.

3 - Unemployment. This might sound very harsh (and I do intend it to be). I live in Cambridge which has a massive Eastern European population. These workers are here to make money from a strong economy (no issue with that) - but, if we are starting to make loads of people unemployed then surely we should be concentrating on keeping the UK citizens in a job, rather than the economic migrant work force?



Blogger Michael said...

No more pick 'n' mix counters?
It's a shame, but it just didn't move with the times.

12/15/2008 11:36 AM  
Blogger damo said...

You're right.
Problem for me is that Woolworth is pretty much the only large shop in Whitley Bay (where ones parents live and I grew up). I can see the entire town being closed down soon.

12/15/2008 12:43 PM  

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