Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Due to the fact that the economy is in the toilet and food is inflating beyond my means (nearly) I have effectively stopped going out. This has had two effects.

1 – I have put on weight due to the fact that I am in the house eating and living a sedentary lifestyle.

2 – I have become a hermit. My standard day goes something like this:-

7.30am get up

8.00am walk to work

9.00 – 5.30pm work

6.30pm get home

7.00pm turn on the computer

1.00am go to bed

So I’ve turned to gaming to keep my spirits up.

Been playing the following a lot recently.

Pro Evo Soccer 2009

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Fable 2.

And my favourite – Forza Motorsport 2.

The art package on the racing game is particularly excellent, and while I am useless at the art stuff – I have made a start on some cars.

They aren’t really that good but I am trying. Some of the designs on the Forza forums are awesome.

I will be investing in Gears of War 2 today.

I play online with a clan of guys who are alright and don’t trash talk, annoy me or mock me (too much) – The only thing I need to do is get better as I am pretty much a N00b at present.

Xbox Live GamerTag (if you are online) – SkipperD

See you on live.



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