Xbox Live Etiquette

Welcome to the world of Xbox Live Etiquette.
Navigating this potentially difficult minefield is going to be very hard.
Let me introduce you to your surroundings.
1 - You are a nOOb - a Newbie, new person of limited skill in computer games. if you are using your childs Xbox then you will have to use their gamertag. Now, Gamertags a difficult thing to get a handle on.
If you are creating your own, pick a name which means something to you - please note that any tag with the word legend/l33t/Rape/sex etc, etc in it generally means that you're dealing with a 9 year old boy - don't do it.
2 - Gaming etiquette. I play Call of Duty 4 online a bit - this means that you have to shoot at people whist in the role of either a US Marine (oo-rah), British SAS (I say tarquin, pass the M16), Unspecifiedistanian middle-eastern seperatist forces (oll-hallah) or Russian Ultranationalists (we're about to win the mission comrade). Please note that you get picked as these forces - you cannot be a US Marine all the time. When playing you will hear a variety of voices in your headset telling the world that you're all nOObs, all Brits are shit, all Americans are tossers etc, etc, etc. please ignore them.
3 - Playing the game. The watchword here is fun! why go online telling the world that they are shit? if like me you want to just have fun, then please live with the following guide.
a - ignore anybody talking to you who has the word Rape, Murder, l33t (elite player), 911 - they seem to be clowns whose job it is to be pitied.
b - remember that everybody else seems to go online to show their prowess in the digital world. When owned by a superior gamer, please don't swear at them, just get on with your own thing until you can beat them at another point in the game - simple really.
c - Clans are formed by groups of like-minded people who want to have fun as a group on Live. Please be aware that most clans are okay - but some (as you would expect) are complete idiots.
d - Remember that this is a game - try to have some good natured banter with your colleagues in this digital frontier - abuse generally is frowned upon.
I will post more as the mood takes me - time for more COD4.
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