
I have on occasion said that I am going to rename my small corner of the web.
I have had a few suggestions regarding the new title of this collection of rants.
Mosh came up with C*ntflaps (thanks Man). Hope you enjoy Darwin.
Loula said I should keep it as it is.
One of my friends reckons I should call it RANT
another of my mates thinks it should be "Northern Shite"
so, as I can't think of anything new at the minute, then it stays as it is for the mo.
On the plus side of everything at the minute, I've got the week off cricket (no game) and so my achilles tweak should get a bit better. Yesterday I had my brain photographed (photos enclosed) - I am thinking of turning the images into funky Christmas Cards - I think they should say something like "Thinking of you at Christmas" or "Christmas on my mind".
anyway - off now - talk later
HCM City at the moment - just arrived and I'm leeching off someone's leaky wifi. Woohoo!
Next stop, Singapore (Thursday) and then Darwin for a few days. Then Sydney, then Christchurch...
Then I hope the house sells or I'm fucked financially.
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