Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Well, we lost the match on saturday but the team in second place who could have overhauled us for the title lost to one of the worst teams in the league.
So for the second season in a row under my captaincy - WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!
on a briefer note, our ladies XI got to the National Cup semis with a win on Sunday - their reward is a tie in Reading this Sunday at midday.


More specifically the Saga of Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan.

The news today is that he’s gone(not confirmed yet tho). Well I hope the scum in the press are happy to have hounded a man out of a job.

Here’s a list of the scum responsible.

L.ouise “WKL”"I lust after the dog-wanker Keane" T.aylor – Guardian – Just do the world a favour and die you mackem bitch – We all know you love Keano – who knows, maybe he’ll let you wank his dog.

B.arry G.lendenning – Guardian – just do us all a favour and either support a team from your own country/locale or just stop having a go at Newcastle. Irish Mackem Scum.

M.artin S.amuel – The Times – Fat, Bearded arsehole and all-round iffy looking bloke. If he moves into your local area make sure your kids’ school has high fences, or security to stop him getting in..

H.enry Fucking W.inter – Scum of the highest order.

All the Match of the Day commentators who stick the boot in – just bugger off. No talent wastes of space.

Skysports – Fucking Man Utd supporting scum. You could try being impartial, but that’s beyond you. Also, can you persuade that thick twat A.ndy Gr.ay to kill himself?

Yes, the man was labelled as a quitter. Yes, he was naïve. But, he made us feel good about being Newcastle fans again. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT?

Keegan versus Fergie.

KK played for his country.

KK European Player of the Year 2 times

Fergie - Waste of space who could only score in the scots leagues

Fergie - Not even good enough to be considered Scotland's best player.

KK - A nice man with a lot of time for fans.

Fergie - A Dirty Scumbag

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